25 April 2024
Influx of Members Shows Credibility

New members joining Grace & Light highlights we are gaining credibility as a Nigerian charity people want to identify with.

Eight new members were welcomed into Grace & Light during this year’s annual general meeting, the greatest number of new members to join at any one time.

“We are growing in credibility as an organisation and people want to identify with us and support us,” said international coordinator Tassie Ghata.

Sixty members and friends attended the AGM on 23 March at our Jos headquarters. They heard an update on activities since the previous April as well as a look ahead to the next 12 months. They also reviewed our finances, looking at income and where it was spent.

“Our members have a heart for Grace & Light and are supportive, we reciprocate by being open and transparent with our finances and operations,” said Tassie.

Nigerian NGOs and charities are required to hold an AGM each year for their members.

If you would like to find out about becoming a member in Nigeria, please contact Tassie at tassie.ghata@graceandlight.org


Prayer Requests

Please pray for:

  • New members will continue to support our activities in Nigeria through prayer and financial giving
  • Our activities make a difference in churches, schools and prisons during 2024
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