
Please stand with us

“If anyone belongs to Christ, there begins a new creation. The old things have gone: everything is made new!”
2 Corinthians 5:17

There are more opportunities to bring the grace and love of God's Kingdom to Africa than ever before.

Grace & Light’s contribution springs from sharing a Gospel far greater than we have imagined. It literally takes us into the life of the new creation, shared with Christ and with each other in him. It is created in righteousness and transforms all we do.

If you want to see churches putting the new creation in Christ on display and standing out in their communities - modelling love, service, generosity and equality - then join with us.

If you want to see change in society on the issues we address – work and corruption, wealth and poverty, HIV/AIDS, inequality, sexual and gender-based violence – then please stand with us.

Together we can demonstrate the power of the Gospel in bringing hope and help churches model lives of righteousness.


Please commit to praying regularly for our work. We need God's power to break through spiritual oppression.

Download our latest prayer diary and join supporters around the world in praying for our work and the people we support. For a printable version (booklet form) click here.


Simply fill in the form below. Begin a new regular gift, increase your monthly giving, or make a one-off donation to a project.

  • £10 a month will pay for a volunteer team's transport to local churches
  • £50 a month will pay for testing kits for visits to two churches
  • £100 a month will cover half the salary for one full-time staff member
  • £150 will cover the home-based care costs for a team for two months
  • £500 will part-finance the initial five-day training for a 15 strong volunteer team.

Make a one-off gift to Grace & Light or begin a new regular gift:



Increase existing regular giving:

email info@graceandlight.org


Tell your church, small group and friends about what we are up to - perhaps during a Sunday service or during a small group meeting.

To invite a Grace & Light speaker to visit your church phone +234 (0)803 604 0438 or email info@graceandlight.org


Join our fundraisers by organising events for your congregation, family, friends and work colleagues.

Download our Fundraising Challenge leaflet for lots of inspiring ideas.

Remember to let us know what you do so we can publicise your efforts!

Together we can make a difference!


Currently we are seeking funding support for the following activities. If you would like more information on any of these activities please contact UK trustee Jo Ann Eastgate.

Volunteer refresher training

We aim to deliver three-day refresher training to all our Nigerian volunteers each year at a cost of £10,875 per area.

New volunteer training

We aim to train up to 200 new volunteers a year, creating teams in four new areas following a five-day training programme at a cost of £11,675 per area.

Facilitator training

Our aim is to develop a pool of skilled facilitators who can deliver volunteer and refresher training across Nigeria, at a cost of £3,260 per year.

Ministry development coordinator

This person will be dedicated to developing new teams across Nigeria and supporting them in their first year of activity, at a cost of £400 per month.

Life-sharing groups coordinator

This person will encourage, coach and mentor life sharing officers in each of our volunteer teams as they work with life sharing group leaders and the action committees that have responsibility for overseeing life sharing within churches, at a cost of £400 per month.

Leaflet reprints

We regularly reprint our Grace & Light, social righteousness and member guides in English and Hausa. Costs for doing so range from £1,900-£2,100.

Building projects

Grace & Light has a headquarters site outside Jos, Plateau State which we are developing with offices, shops, a guesthouse and conference facilities. Already one office has been built and is used for our national ministry. A second building is part constructed and will be used as a fundraising charity shop and our international office.

Complete the form below for more information on any of the above projects.

Please provide a telephone number or email address so that we can respond to your enquiry.

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