29 February 2024
Celebrating 13 Years of Book Fairs

Book fairs are transforming people’s lives and Grace & Light’s ministry.

Grace & Light has been selling second hand books in Jos for 13 years to help fund ministry in Nigeria.

In the early years our book fairs were help outside during the dry season, with books laid out on the ground. Now the fairs are held inside our spacious offices and at TCNN, Theological College of Northern Nigeria, in Jos.

As stocks of books run low, the UK charity Book Aid sends another container from its London warehouse. The books are donated by Book Aid supporters, with Grace & Light paying shipping and import fees in Nigeria.

“Book fairs are not just about raising funds for our ministry,” says international coordinator Tassie Ghata. “They are also about providing local Christians with books that encourage them in their spiritual lives. These are books they would not otherwise be able to afford. The book fairs are also a ministry for us.”

Hundreds of people come each day to browse the books, once the word gets out that Grace & Light has another book fair. Many return each year for more books. As they browse they exclaim as they find books they’ve been looking for a while, often older Christian writers.

“They stop to talk with us and share how their lives have changed after reading books they bought in previous years,” said Tassie. “We are grateful to Book Aid for its generous support supplying books over the years.”

The next book fair is in March at TCNN.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for:

  • People to read the books they buy and be transformed in their relationships with God
  • Effective publicity for the March book fair so many people come, buy books and speak with Grace & Light counsellors.
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